Validation of the Pilot Program to Support Urban MSMEs (PRO BOLIVIA/JIWASA)

The purpose of the consultancy was to conduct the mid-term evaluation of the “Validation of the Pilot Program to Support Urban MSMEs (PRO BOLIVIA/JIWASA)”. The program is executed by DANIDA, through an agreement signed between the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark; and implemented by DANIDA and COSUDE, through a Delegated Cooperation Agreement.

The specific objective of the Program, which was developed in the main cities of Bolivia (Cochabamba, El Alto, La Paz, Oruro, Potosí and Sucre), is to “improve the productive and commercial capacity of micro and small processing enterprises, with a view to increasing income, improving working conditions and improving gender equity”, through an intervention strategy aimed at: (i) facilitating access to productive resources for micro and small enterprises, (ii) improving the productive and management capacities of micro and small enterprises, (iii) diversifying, recognizing and promoting products manufactured by micro and small enterprises, (iv) promoting financial technology tailored to micro and small enterprises, and (v) including gender and cleaner production issues.


(2018) La Paz, El Alto, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro y Potosí. Bolivia

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: Swiss Development Cooperation (COSUDE)
EXECUTING AGENCY: Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy
DONOR COUNTRY: Switzerland
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation