Thematic Study on Territorial Development

The Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) contracted the consulting firms Mesopartner and SISTME for the purpose of developing a structured analysis of the experience accumulated by the MIF and other actors in Regional Economic Development (RED) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and to propose conceptual and practical recommendations to be incorporated into the design of future intervention strategies over a five-year horizon.

The motivation for this study was to take stock of the current knowledge on RED. Those responsible for the MIF were interested in the evolution of the territorial approach on an international scale and particularly in LAC. Based on the general experiences and lessons learned, it was possible to better understand the role and specific contribution of the MIF, and thus have technical inputs that will enable the MIF’s RED approach to be repositioned in the new context of Latin American and Caribbean development.

SISTME and Mesopartner were responsible for coordinating a team of professionals who worked with emphasis on the experiences of RED in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.


(2013) Buenos Aires. Argentina

(2013) La Paz. Bolivia

(2013) Brasilia. Brasil

(2013) Ciudad de Guatemala. Guatemala

(2013) México DF. México

(2013) Lima. Perú

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: MuInter-American Development Bankltilateral Investment Fund
DONOR COUNTRY: United States
CONSULTANCY: Thematic Study on Territorial Development