Program for the Development and Implementation of the Family Protocol in SMEs

The objective of the consultancy was to carry out the Final Evaluation of the Pilot Program for the Development and Implementation of the Family Protocol in SMEs. This Program worked with family businesses in Mexico City and Puebla, with the purpose of establishing and validating a model of family protocol and governance structures for the professionalization of family SMEs.

(2010) México DF y Puebla. México

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: Multilateral Investment Fund
EXECUTING AGENCY: Universidad La Salle
DONOR COUNTRY: United States
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation

(2013) México DF y Puebla. México

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: Multilateral Investment Fund
EXECUTING AGENCY: Universidad La Salle
DONOR COUNTRY: United States
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation