Implementation of the Bolivian joint mechanism for climate change adaptation and mitigation: climate-compatible development in the Bolivian Chaco

The objective of the consultancy was to carry out the final evaluation of the Program “Implementation of the Bolivian joint mechanism for climate change adaptation and mitigation: climate-compatible development in the Bolivian Chaco”, executed by the Fundación Natura Bolivia and financed by the IDB Lab. The program aims to reduce gas emissions that produce the greenhouse effect, through changes in land use. The project got downstream water users to make contributions to promote productive changes in upstream producers, and thus protected more than 100,000 hectares of upstream forest water sources under the scheme of reciprocal agreements for water (ARA). The Program was structured in 5 Components oriented to: i) Institutional capacity and operationalization of Water Conservation Funds; ii) Income generation and training for climate-compatible agriculture; iii) Implementation of Complementary Agreements with Mother Earth; iv) Integration of “Complementary Agreements with Mother Earth” in the joint adaptation and mitigation mechanism and v) Strategic Communication and Knowledge Management.

(2020) Santa Cruz, Camiri, Yacuiba, Villa Montes. Bolivia

EXECUTING AGENCY: Natura Foundation Bolivia
DONOR COUNTRY: United States
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation