Monitoring & Evaluation

Design and initial implementation of a Drought Information System for southern South America.

The objective of the consultancy was to carry out the Final Evaluation of the project “Design and initial implementation of a Drought Information System for Southern South America (SISSA)” financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through Technical Cooperation RG-T3308 and implemented by the meteorological services and institutes of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The general objective of the Project is “To improve the quality and usefulness of information on the occurrence and impacts of droughts in the Southern South America (SAS) region through the establishment and implementation of the system called “Drought Information System for Southern South America (SISSA)”

(2023) Argentina . Brasil . Bolivia . Chile . Uruguay . Paraguay

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: Inter-American Development Bank
EXECUTING AGENCY: Inter-American Development Bank
DONOR COUNTRY: United States
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation