Competitive Strengthening and Financial Security of Credit Unions in a Supervised Framework

The objective of the consultancy was to elaborate the baseline of the project “Competitive Strengthening and Financial Security of Savings and Credit Unions in a Supervised Framework”, to review the indicators of the Logical Framework, to develop a computerized system of monitoring and evaluation, and to elaborate a Manual for the collection of information for the intermediate and final evaluations.
This project was designed to increase the competitiveness and financial security of credit unions by incorporating them into the banking supervision system, adopting good corporate governance standards, implementing a pilot Liquidity and Deposit Insurance Fund, and implementing business and strategic plans within an integral vision of the sector.

(2011) Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba. Honduras

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: Multilateral Investment Fund
EXECUTING AGENCY: Federación de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de Honduras (FACACH)
DONOR COUNTRY: United States
CONSULTANCY: Baseline Development – M&E System Development