Communities, forests and biodiversity: promoting dialogue, exchange and forest value chains to adapt to and mitigate climate change

The purpose of the consultancy was to carry out the Final Evaluation of the project “Communities, forests and biodiversity: promoting dialogue, exchange and forest value chains to adapt to and mitigate climate change”. The general objective of the intervention was to strengthen the climate change mitigation and adaptation capacity of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs), intensifying knowledge management and the implementation of strategic climate and forestry actions in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Colombia. Its specific objective was to strengthen integrated forest management models from the perspective of Community-Based Organizations and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations with a territorial management approach as a mechanism for adapting to and mitigating climate change. This project is part of the Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems Sector (FBE) of the EUROCLIMA+ program.

(2022) Colombia

PLACE / CITY:  Zona del Chocó

(2022) Honduras

PLACE / CITY: Olancho, Comayagua, Gracias a Dios, Choluteca y grupo étnico de Moskitia hondureña

(2022) El Salvador

PLACE / CITY: Lencas de Chilanga y Guatajiagua

(2022) Guatemala

PLACE / CITY: Reserva de Biósfera Maya en el Petén

EXECUTING AGENCY: Organización Intereclesiástica para la Cooperación al Desarrollo (ICCO), Asociación Comunitaria Forestales de Petén (ACOFOP), Federación de Productores Agroforestales de Honduras (FEPROAH), Consejo Comunitario Mayor de la Organización Popular Campesina del Alto Atrato (COCOMOPOCA) y Moskitia Asla Takanka (Unidad de la Moskitia) (MASTA).
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation