Coastal Marine Strip Tourism Development Program

Final Evaluation of the “Tourism Development of the Coastal Marine Strip” Project, executed by the Ministry of Tourism of El Salvador (MITUR) and financed with a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The Program’s objective was to increase tourism employment in El Salvador, and its specific objectives were: i) Increase tourist stays in La Libertad and Usulután; ii) Promote private tourism supply and social inclusion in the tourism sector; iii) Increase the sector’s development capacity in a coordinated manner among stakeholders; and iv) Improve the management of natural resources that are the basis for tourism activity. The Program had the following main components: i) Enhancement of tourist attractions; ii) Local Entrepreneurship; iii) Tourism Governance; and iv) Environmental Management.


(2021) El Salvador

PLACE/CITY: La Libertad, La Unión, San Miguel y La Unión
EXECUTING AGENCY: Dominican Agribusiness Board (JAD) / Dominican Republic Agribusiness Exchange (BARD)
DONOR COUNTRY: United States 
CONSULTANCY: Project Systematization