Support for the Completion of the REDD+ Readiness Phase in Paraguay

The purpose of the consultancy was to conduct the Final Evaluation of the project “Support for the Completion of the REDD+ Readiness Phase in Paraguay” (No. 00092546), implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) with the support of UNDP and financed by the World Bank’s GEF.
The objective of the Project is to support the Republic of Paraguay in the completion of the REDD+ readiness phase based on the results of the UN-REDD National Program. The key aspects to achieve this objective are: i) consolidate the REDD+ readiness phase in Paraguay; ii) develop the framework for REDD+ implementation in Paraguay; and iii) create the conditions for the future implementation of the prioritized Policies, Actions and Measures in Paraguay.

(2021) Paraguay

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: World Bank / United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
EXECUTING AGENCY: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES)
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation