Addressing Drivers of Deforestation in Guyana and Peru

The purpose of the consultancy was to undertake the mid-term evaluation of the “Addressing Drivers of Deforestation in Guyana and Peru” project. The project is implemented by Conservation International (CI) Guyana and is funded with resources provided by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)

The project’s goal is to facilitate green growth by engaging the private sector that is driving forest loss and encouraging adoption of improved practices, or provision of alternatives, that reduce pressure on forests and result in improved livelihoods and wellbeing in Guyana and Peru. The project works directly with private sector actors with the most influence on forest loss: mining in Guyana and coffee and cacao in Peru.
The project works with stakeholders to reduce forest loss in Guyana and Peru and strengthen prospects for green growth and addressing climate change. It includes improving the use and management of resources on indigenous lands and generally enhancing the capacity of indigenous communities to successfully participate in the respective national REDD+ programs.

(2019) Guyana

PLACE / CITY: Lethem, Aishalton, Mahdia

(2019) Perú

PLACE / CITY: Lima y Moyobamba

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD)
EXECUTING AGENCY: Conservation International Foundation (Guyana) Inc
CONSULTANCY: Project & Program Evaluation


Addressing the Causes of Deforestation in Peru

The consultancy aimed to systematize the project “Addressing the Causes of Deforestation in Peru”, implemented by Conservation International Peru and funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) between 2016 and 2020. The project focuses on three levels: local, subnational and national. At the local level, work is being carried out in the upper Mayo River basin and at the subnational level in the San Martin region. The systematization seeks to identify lessons learned and impact at the three levels and in four main thematic areas: i) Public policies and governance ii) Production chains with zero deforestation iii) Work with Indigenous Peoples iv) Deforestation. In order to carry out the consultancy, different stakeholders were interviewed individually or in groups, such as the National REDD+ Roundtable, the San Martin Regional REDD+ Roundtable, the Regional Environmental Authority (ARA) of San Martin, the Regional Environmental Commission (CAR) of San Martin, and the Economic Development Agencies (ADE) of San Martin, Economic Development Agencies (ADE) of Rioja and Moyobamba, Regional Development Agency (ARD) of San Martin, Office for the Promotion of Private Investment (OPIPS) of San Martin, Regional Directorate of Agriculture (DRASAM) of San Martin, and national public agencies such as MINAGRI, SERFOR, MINAM, etc. We also interviewed leaders of indigenous and peasant associations, as well as consultants and field technicians who provided technical assistance.

(2020) Perú

PLACE / CITY: Lima y Moyobamba

FINANCING AGENCY / DONOR: Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD)
EXECUTING AGENCY: Conservation International Peru
CONSULTANCY: Project Systematization